If you travel in Kyoto you will see many cars that put star shaped stickers.
Even the Kyoto city bus puts on them too like this.
Did you know that these stickers are charm against evil and they protect you from bad things.
Usually this charm is on the front side and back side of the car so you don't crash from either sides.
This Seimei shrine is not just famous in Kyoto but famous widely in Japan.
Seimei shrine was dedicated after Abeno Seimei a famous Onmyouji (yin yang diviner).
This is the gate called "Ichi-no-torii". Most of the shrines in Japan put the name on the gate but here at
Seimei shrine they put the "Gobou-sei" the golden star, what Seimei made as spell.
It is very rare they put something else than the name.

This bridge is called "Ichi-jyou-modori-bashi".
The actual bridge is 100m south from the shrine and this on is replica.
the word "modoru" means "come back" in Japanese, since this bridge is called "modori-bashi"
it is said that dead comes back from the other world from this bridge to the world we are living.
Also a bad luck to cross the bridge at funerals and weddings.
After you go inside the first gate you will see the second gate which has the name of the shrine.
Normally this is how the gate looks like at the entrance gate too.
This is where you pray and wish for your good luck.
This is a little spot where you can relax and take pictures with the frames.
You can buy lucky charms right next to this place.
You can buy the stickers here, and if you drive at your home country
it is worth buying one to protect yourself and family!!
open hours: 9:00~5:30
no holidays
Address: 806 Seimei-chou, Kamigyou-ku, Kyoto-shi